Alumni Board of Directors
Motto: To connect, to engage, to advocate, to inspire.
The Board of Directors of the UNC Charlotte Alumni Association is comprised of alumni who represent the general body of alumni and at least one representative of each of the seven academic colleges of the University and the graduate school, so much as is possible.
Members are either nominated by other alumni or appointed by their individual graduate or professional schools. The business of the board is to keep apprised of and be advised on the programs and services offered by the University’s Office of Alumni Affairs.
The 30 members of the Board of Directors meet with the Alumni Association on a quarterly basis and are integral to the success of the Alumni Association and UNC Charlotte. Each member serves a three-year term. At the end of the three years, members can be elected to additional terms or offices.
The UNC Charlotte Alumni Association works to promote a close relationship between alumni and the University by fostering a spirit of loyalty and fraternity among UNC Charlotte graduates, former students, and friends, and by encouraging alumni to become personally involved in and financially support University activities.
Board members
board application process
The UNC Charlotte Alumni Board of Directors accepts nominations and applications for new members, with three-year terms that begin July 1 each year. We are seeking bright, creative, diverse, dedicated and enthusiastic alumni with a true desire to support their alma mater through volunteer service, leadership and positively engaging other alumni in the life of UNC Charlotte. Board membership is a rewarding and distinct honor. Members play an active role in the Alumni Association’s outreach efforts to 49er alumni.
For detailed responsibilities of an at-large UNC Charlotte Alumni Association board member, please see the membership expectations below.
Timeline & Process: applications open on January 1 through March 15 of each year, and are typically considered in the spring for new members to join July 1.
2025 Board Application Deadline: Saturday, March 15, 2025.
The Nominations Committee will review applications based on the following criteria: prior involvement and philanthropic support, answers to essay questions, and the ability to contribute to UNC Charlotte.
If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Kaplan, Executive Director of Alumni Engagement, by email or 704-687-7799.